Exercises come as a PhpStorm project in which every file is a new exercise that may contain code and tips to get things done. This workshop is self-paced, meaning you can work your way through exercises on your own, whenever and wherever you want.

A cheat sheet is available online and is also included in the workshop download. Other IntelliJ-based IDE's use the same keyboard shortcuts, so if you know how to work with PhpStorm, you'll know how to work with WebStorm, RubyMine, P圜harm, IntelliJ IDEA and more. We'll also cover a vast amount of keyboard shortcuts to make working with PhpStorm more efficient. It's virtually impossible to cover every option and feature in PhpStorm, but we're providing a number of practical exercises on how we can do our daily work as PHP developers. Examples are navigation, editing, inspections, live templates, refactoring, tools like Composer and the HTTP client, and many more.

In these materials, you'll learn about many of the features and productivity tools available in PhpStorm.