Then just press the button you will see on screen and contact will be saved. To interract with Lifeinvader app in order to save new contact or arrange/cancel date open your phonebook and call “Lifeinvader” contact.Once Lifeinvader app is opened, you can text you friend/girlfriend if you have one already or add new contact by looking at any ped.

Then just follow the insructions on your screen. While standing on one of them and your partner is close enough to you, another hint will pop-up. Once you’ll see it, hold main menu button and select “Find camp locations” option to see all camp locations on the map.

If you want to camp, then you will have to go to countryside untill special notification will pop-up on your screen. You can earn friends/girlfriends respect by driving fast,swimming together, camping, hang out in YellowsJack bar, skydiving, however you also can loose respect if you will drive against traffic,hitting peds, vehicles, fighting with someone, so be carefull, once your respect level will be sub 1, the date will be over. Then more respect you have, then more options will be available for you (Like HotCoffee mod, come over to character function and holding hands). Once you have Lifeinvader contact, you can call your friend/girlfriend to arrange date. This script allows you to have friend/girlfriend for each character. If in your scripthookvdotnet log file you dont see any reports about relationships.dll stoped working, but still can’t see Lifeinvader app in your phone contact book, try to start a new game.